Councillor Simon Burnett chaired a meeting with his fellow Ward councillors and partners from RMBC and agreed funding from their Ward Capital Budget for 2 covert CCTV cameras to catch Individuals who flytip in Sitwell
These cameras will be placed in known hotspots in areas such as Royds Moor Hill and Morthern Lane
Fixed penalty notices of £400 if caught
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 allows local authorities to issue fixed penalty notices or prosecute offenders. Fixed Penalty Notices to a value of £400 are issued to those caught fly tipping, generally of household items or smaller items
Where an individual is convicted by the Court, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 provides for unlimited fines and/or a custodial sentence up to 12 months and up to 5 years imprisonment when convicted on indictment.
The Council also has the powers to seize vehicles which have been used to commit fly tipping offences.