Cllr Sophie Dack and Cllr Julz Hall (Dinnington ward) would like to thank Alexander Stafford MP, Dr Alan Billings (Police & Crime Commissioner) and SYP officers for attending their crime and policing meeting in Dinnington.
The message from the audience to Labour's Dr Billings was clear - a police base is needed in Dinnington.
Dinnington ward councillors fully appreciate that officers and PCSOs spend most of their day in the community, but the Chief Supt spoke at length about the benefits of the office the police have in Dinnington Resource Centre - it gives officers a permanent base in the heart of their area, people can come and speak to them confidentially about any number of issues and residents always know where to find them. Rather than having this once a month as current, why not permanently, in a dedicated building?
Cllr Hall said: “I asked the room for a show of hands on who wanted a police station in Dinnington. Every hand was raised apart from the PCC. We won’t stop campaigning for this and we won’t stop talking about it.”
Cllr Dack said: “The increased patrols thanks to the ASB hotspot funding are making a positive difference and that’s great. Our officers do a great job, but our PCSOs need more power and public opinion is definitely on the side of a police station. As councillors, we will keep the pressure on.”